An exploratory data visualization platform for the Peace Agreements Database (PA-X)
Visualizing temporal, geographic and topical data for peace agreements worldwide, written from 1990 through 2015
For the Political Settlements Research Programme at the University of Edinburgh

The "Agreement Sequence Comparison" PaxVis data visualization
The "Agreement Sequence Comparison" PaxVis data visualization
Each vertical timeline visualizes peace agreements from a user-chosen location
Each vertical timeline visualizes peace agreements from a user-chosen location
Peace agreements are visualized as rectangles, color-coded by agreement stage
Peace agreements are visualized as rectangles, color-coded by agreement stage
The "Agreements in Time and Space" PaxVis data visualization
The "Agreements in Time and Space" PaxVis data visualization
Close up of the details of a peace agreement clicked on the map
Close up of the details of a peace agreement clicked on the map
Close up of the horizontal timeline visualizing peace agreements by date, filtered to display agreements written from 2010 to 2015
Close up of the horizontal timeline visualizing peace agreements by date, filtered to display agreements written from 2010 to 2015
Poster presented at CHI 2019, an annual Human-Computer Interaction conference
Poster presented at CHI 2019, an annual Human-Computer Interaction conference
Page 1 of the handout for CHI 2019
Page 1 of the handout for CHI 2019
Page 2 of the handout for CHI 2019
Page 2 of the handout for CHI 2019
PaxVis was presented at CHI 2019, an annual conference for research in the field of Human-Computer Interaction.

PaxVis Documentation: three blogs written about the project's progress

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